


Post History

    Calvert Post 85 was chartered on April 29, 1920 only a few months after the first Annual American Legion Convention in November 1919. 

    Little information is available for the years 1920 to 1930.  In a fire at the home of Mr. Robert Meade, records of the meetings and other information was destroyed.  We do know that James Higgins, Jr. was the first Post Commander.  You can find his name on the original charter in the Post Home meeting room along with the other charter members of the Post.

     The post was inactive from 1919 to 1931 during the depression years. In the fall of 1931 a group of veterans met at the County Library in Prince Frederick, Maryland to reorganize the post.  New officers were elected and took office on January 5,1932.

    There was no Post Home and meetings were held at Solomons, The Beach, Prince Frederick, and Huntingtown at different times during the year.  After 1936, and until the end of World War II, most meetings were held at Mr. Allen Bowen's garage in Huntingtown, Maryland.

    With the spurt of growth after World War II, we outgrew our meeting place.  Meetings were held at Huntingtown Hall (our current Post Home).  After much discussion a quonset hut was purchased from the base at Solomons Island.  It was never erected and was eventually sold.

    In 1957 the Post Home was acquired from the Huntingtown United Methodist Church.  Much effort was expended on completing and financing the building and a formal dedication was held on 16 April 1961.

    During World War II the legion organized "Minute Men" companies in four sections of the country to function in case of an attack.  Each company had about 50 men and boys.

    In 1945-46 the membership leaped from a former high of 56, to 144 members.  From 1945 through 1960 membership ranged from 77 to 168.  Our current membership stands at just over 100 members. and has been rising slowly but steadily over the past years.  We consider this quite a challengewith three other larger American Legion Posts operating now in Calvert County. 

    April 29, 1991 marked the 71st year of service for Calvert Post 85 and a major completion of renovation of the Post and recent completion of the addition of new siding to the entire building.  Current goals for enhancing the post were completed in that year.  In 2004 we had the parking lot paved.  When our neighbor Gordon Bowen, of Bowen's Grocery Store, paved his lot we tagged along and now both ajoining parking areas are paved. In 2006 a new heating system was installed, the old boiler went belly up.  So we have tried over the years to keep our Calvert Post 85 in good order for our members, the community, Department, and National Organization.

    Over the years Calvert Post 85 has a proud history of participation in community affairs.  Among many other activities, we have furnished flags for various schools, participated in many parades and patriotic functions, supported sending county residents to Boys State, granted scholarships, supported American Legion Baseball, American Legion Oratorical contest, and supported many other County, State, and National American Legion programs.  The list is nearly inexhaustible but "it can be said that if a project is good for the community, the State, or the Nation, Calvert Post 85 will support it.



POST HISTORY(continued)

Affiliated Organizations

An Auxiliary of Calvert Post 85 was formed on __________. The Legion has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary, which gained statewide recognition because of its programs of service. Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.


MEMORIAL DAY has always been an outstanding occasion in this community. In addition to memorial events throughout the ________the grave of every veteran of any of the wars of the country are decorated on this National Holiday. Today, jointly with _____________this tradition is being carried on. If one might attempt to prophecy, in an historical account, ______________ veteran organizations will carry on this tradition to its last man to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead.

ARMISTICE DAY, now called VETERANS' DAY, originally marked the end of fighting in World War One. It is an important holiday on the calendar of Legionnaires everywhere and in the hearts of all veterans. It has been in Huntingtown. Annually the Post in conjunction with the Calvert County Council sponsors the Veteran's Day Services . An important tradition was established when the Calvert County Council led in the memorial exercises at 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11, marking the exact hour of the cessation of hostility on the war fronts. Today, together with other veterans organizations, The Calvert County Council of which Calvert Post 85 is a member solemnly observes this tradition.


Since its inception Calvert Post 85 has been a leader in this County in the area of grave marking with US Flags, which has been incorporated by all the American Legion Posts in Calvert County. Grave Registration enables all interested parties to locate the site of the grave of each veteran. 

